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What I've learnt in the past year

What I've learnt in the past 3 months: Text


I feel the strengths I have gained in the past year is organisation and spending my spare time productively. I've always had the problem of procrastinating and doing the work at the last minute but this year I have made it a goal to do as much work as possible and get it finished before the day before the day before. 

Another strength I feel is that I've gained more confidence as an artist. Before I was quite shy about the art I did and normally hid it from people but this year I have come out and offered my assistance to class mates to develop their logo for their film companies/ Film Logos.


One last strength which is a big one is I feel that I've become more confident as a director and am able to direct more people at a time. This was one of my biggest weaknesses before so to be able to include it on the strengths is really fulfilling.

What I've learnt in the past 3 months: Bio


I feel that my main weaknesses for this year is maybe coming up with too many Ideas in my head for the FMP, and not sticking to one solid idea. Even now I'm thinking of changing the idea into something different.


Another weakness is falling back onto the horror genre again even though I would like to branch out into other genres. The reason for this is I wanted to challenge myself and see what I could accomplish but have fallen back into the safety blanket that is Horror.



What I've learnt in the past 3 months: Bio
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